fresh air

Importance of Indoor Air Quality

“Fresh air is as good for the mind as for the body. Nature always seems trying to talk to us as if she had some great secret to tell. And so she has. “
-John Lubbock


We all know how important air quality is. Still, when we say “fresh air”, most of us think of the outdoors. Unfortunately, during the COVID19 lockdown, most of us were stuck inside of our apartments without access to that kind of freshness. Even if we ignore the pandemic, we probably spend a lot of our time indoors, be it at work or inside of our homes. So, why do we ignore the importance of the air we breathe daily? In this article, we’ll discuss this topic in detail to help you realize the significance of indoor air quality. So, without any further ado, let’s begin.

Poor air quality and its effects on our health


As you may suspect, polluted indoor air negatively affects our respiratory systems. When we inhale pollutants daily, we’re likely to develop symptoms such as frequent coughing, fatigue, irritated eyes, and many more. Of course, the severity of these symptoms will depend on your age and healthiness. If you have any preexisting medical conditions such as asthma, your symptoms are bound to get worse after spending time in improperly ventilated buildings.

In the long run, if the issue of poor air quality is ignored, you’ll be at risk for developing serious medical conditions such as cancer or heart disease. Yes, these are the worst-case scenario, but it’s still very unlikely you’ll avoid suffering at least some kind of consequence for inhaling poor quality air.

Your health should always be your highest priority, so you should never ignore something as vital as the air you breathe. We spend most of our time indoors, and therefore there’s no amount of freshness from outdoors that could outweigh the negative effects of inhaling pollutants most of the time. So, do what you can to prevent these issues from damaging your health permanently. The first step in doing that is finding out the cause behind the pollution.

Possible air pollutants


We’ve learned the effects polluted air has on our health, but what causes it to become so harmful? The answer isn’t that simple as it could be a number of different things. It could be something as simple as dust accumulated in our air vents to something harder to notice such as a malfunctioning central heating system. Sometimes, finding the exact cause can be a daunting task. That’s why we decided to list things you should be looking for:

● Humidity-high temperatures and humidity can drastically increase the number of pollutants in the air. If you notice any signs of mold, make sure to deal with it as soon as possible, as it can be extremely hazardous for your health.
● Poor external air quality- if you live in a busy city area, the air outside is probably already high in pollutants. The only way to resolve this issue is to invest in quality air purifiers.
● Chemicals- if you use strong chemicals for cleaning your space, remember to ventilate the space properly after use. Those chemicals can stay in the air for quite some time if you lack proper ventilation in your home.
● Dust and dirt- cleaning your space frequently is of the utmost importance for keeping the air inside fresh and clean.
● Allergens- different types of allergens can infiltrate indoor spaces in various ways. If you suffer from allergies it’s crucial that you find the source of allergens inside of the building as soon as possible.
● Asbestos, tobacco smoke, pesticides, and many others

If you notice any respiratory issues after spending time inside, the air probably contains some of the listed pollutants. Do everything you can to ventilate your space, and if you notice any signs of mold or other similar issues, it’s time to call the professionals.

How to improve air quality inside of your home?

Now, there are many ways to improve indoor air quality, and most of them have to do with ventilation. Make sure to keep your vents clean from dust and other harmful particles, and open your windows when it’s warm outside. Check your boilers and heating to make sure they’re not emitting harmful substances. If you’re a smoker, do not smoke inside of the rooms you spend most of your time in and consider quitting if you can.

Look out for mold, and deal with it as promptly as possible. If you ignore it, it’s only going to get worse, putting your health at risk. Other than that, seal any potential sources of asbestos, and remember to install CO2 and radon detectors.

As we previously mentioned, there’s nothing more important than the quality of the air you breathe. Even if these measures we mentioned seem “over the top”, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Do everything you can to keep your spaces ventilated and moisture-free. You’re likely going to see results very quickly: no more coughing, fatigue, or dizziness after spending time indoors.

The conclusion

In this article, we’ve talked about the importance of clean, fresh air and the effects air pollution can have on your health. Spending time in unventilated spaces can cause you to develop various medical conditions, some of which can be lethal.

Learn as much as you can about the subject and ensure you and your loved ones are protected from harmful particles that may be trapped inside of your home. This especially goes if you or anyone close to you suffers from asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Keep your vents clean, invest in air purifiers, and don’t forget to open your windows from time to time. Also, ensure your boiler and your stove are properly adjusted. All of these small changes can make a huge difference for both your short-term and long-term health. If COVID19 has taught us anything, it’s the importance of keeping your respiratory system safe and healthy.

1 reply
  1. Chris Pederson
    Chris Pederson says:

    I’ll try my best to keep my vents clean to help with indoor air quality. This could help my son out with his breathing problems. I’ll look into getting my vents cleaned properly.

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